πŸ“ˆNFT Marketplace

The explosion of NFT transactions

Nowadays, the growth of the NFT market is moving at a pace that no technology has ever seen in history and Now is the right time for us to enter the NFT market! As the value of the works in all areas including art, collections, music, and other utilities increases, the number of wallets interacting with NFT smart contracts is supposed to increase too.

The surge in the number of NFT holders in 2021 shows that the people’s interest in NFT exploded. The number of new investors of NFT has increased nearly 10 times since the start of 2021. This can be proved by data of October 2021 which show the number of buyers of the ETH chain was more than 130,000. This is probably the tip of the iceberg in the growth of the NFT market.

The reason Surprised Sloth enters the NFT

We believe that sustainable development is necessary, but in the rapid development of blockchain, a lot of energy is consumed, and we want to promote and advocate the concept of sustainable development through NFT as a channel. Surprised Sloth NFT, as a multi-value-added encrypted digital asset, gives investors corresponding rewards.

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