What is Surprised Sloth ?

Sustainable Development

In the face of the rapid changes in the world, tens of thousands of sloths have to re-establish a new order. The new things that happen every day surprise the sloths!

Surprised Sloth uses blockchain technology to generate 8,000 unique NFTs, not only a PFP project, but also a pass for all plans.


In the vibrant nature, there is a tribe of sloths, all sloths live a slow life, except for one sloth - Surprised Sloth #0001, which is much faster than all sloths, sloths Curiously asked what happened so that it became like this, and it told everyone with a surprised expression that it found a blockchain world called "Metaverse". Everything in the Metaverse is developing quite fast, and it usually moves slowly. It has absolutely no way to survive in such a fast state, which makes it also have to make changes to adapt to this crazy world.

After listening to the strange experiences of Surprised Sloth#0001 in the metaverse, the sloths became surprised. Some sloths can't wait to join this crazy new world. Surprised Sloth#0001 This fantastic experience It soon spread to the major tribes, and all the animals who heard this story showed an unbelievable expression.

At this time, all things in nature began to compete with each other, and to learn blockchain knowledge, they all wanted to swim in the world of the metaverse and take the lead in this regard.

"Surprise" is just the beginning of the journey. In this future full of possibilities, there will be more unexpected things happening!

Creative Concepts & Ideas

We hope that every partner who learns and experiences Metaverse will encounter unexpected surprises in their respective journeys. Meeting all sorts of companions and appreciating the bits and pieces of the Metaverse will all be an important part of this legendary journey. Our team hopes to attract you who are also explorers of the new world through such creations. Let us create an active community of kindness and beauty that thrives together for the benefit of all.

Using the situation where the sloth, a slow race, has to make changes due to the emergence of a new world, it is likened to the fact that you and I in the real world receive information from various sources around the clock in order not to miss first-hand information every day.

Such a huge change has also brought us endless fantasies and opportunities. Seeing others succeed, my expression also becomes surprised. I think you can't believe it all, right?

There are still many ideas, I will express them one by one in the follow-up dialogue with you. You can also read a paragraph I wrote here. I hope we can understand each other better, would you like to?


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